is a transliteration of the Greek word, εγερσις, which has the meaning of being roused to life. Thus, it is my hope that what you find on this blog will empower, arouse, stimulate, excite, and animate your life--your soul, your spirit--the wholeness of who you are.

Monday, February 9, 2009

More On Being a Helix in the Trinitarian Matrix

Stretching comes to mind today. A flexible helix stretches to infinity with the proper configuration. As a helix in the Trinitarian Matrix, there are moments of stretching, of pulling, of rearranging my shape. These stretching moments reveal the stuff of which I am made.

How flexible am I? How far can I be stretched before my rigidity cracks my composition?

Sometimes, I prefer all of my edges to be settled comfortably in a pile. But a pile of edges is stationary. I need the Trinitarian nudge that stretches my edges, rearranges my configuration, and moves me forward into a new place. There my edges can wait for the next matrical-stretching moment.

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