is a transliteration of the Greek word, εγερσις, which has the meaning of being roused to life. Thus, it is my hope that what you find on this blog will empower, arouse, stimulate, excite, and animate your life--your soul, your spirit--the wholeness of who you are.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Quote from Pseudo-Macarius

"This is a thing which every one ought to know, that there are eyes deeper within than the eyes, and a hearing deeper within this hearing. As these eyes sensibly behold and recognize the face of a friend or beloved one, so the eyes of the worthy and faithful soul, being spiritually enlightened with the light of God, behold and recognize the true Friend, the sweetest and greatly longed for Bridegroom, the Lord, while the soul is shone upon by the adorable Spirit . . . "
Source: Egan, Harvey D., ed. An Anthology of Christian Mysticism. 2d ed. A Pueblo Book. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1991.

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