is a transliteration of the Greek word, εγερσις, which has the meaning of being roused to life. Thus, it is my hope that what you find on this blog will empower, arouse, stimulate, excite, and animate your life--your soul, your spirit--the wholeness of who you are.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Traveling in the dark

Hurrying to the place

Where I want to go.

Stopping along the way

Buying food for the road

Waiting for the others

Desiring to move

Come, I want to go.

Hoping that they hurry

Watching them delay

Leaving them where they sit

Crossing the empty ground

Bye, I want to go.

Knowing not the dark path

Realizing I need them

Hesitating midway

Looking for the others

Pause, I want to go.

Coming very quickly

Arriving on a skiff

Pointing to the road way

Joining with the others

There I want to go.

Dream Poetry series 2010--Traveling by Lisa Barnes

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